Art is freedom
Doug Brinkman, Painter's Blogspot
July 21, 2024 - Filmed amidst two protest rallies, held under hot, smokey Edmonton skies, with both voicing opposition against Canadian government laws and policies. Pop Pop Dazzled by Every Day Presents a Découpé Visual Narrative Chaos in 50 Seconds, Smokey & Hot Cut Up on YouTube. I’ve taken recent and archived citizen-free news stories and interlaced them with various sounds and visuals to create this YouTube. This process transforms the news into art, crafting a fresh narrative akin to the cut-up technique (or ‘découpé’ in French). The original method involves dissecting and reassembling written text to create a new text and, consequently, a new sound and image experience. The roots of this concept can be traced back to the Dadaists of the 1920s, but it was writer William S. Burroughs who brought it to the forefront in the 1950s and early 1960s. William S. Burroughs saw cut-ups as a powerful tool for literary experimentation, unlocking hidden layers of meaning and offering glimpses into the future. Whether as a form of divination or a creative technique, cut-ups intrigue writers and artists alike.
Art is made for people to react. Having a position means what you are doing is needed and it is creating change. In the long term, a lot of people are going to appreciate it. Art Show & Tell
The Painter, Doug Brinkman, 69, Retired: I started expressing my creativity as a kid with a box of crayons on my parents' basement walls and inside the pages of my grandfather's leather-bound encyclopedia collection. So, my parents began supplying me with a steady stream of paper and pencils with which to draw and expand my creativity. I studied commercial art and printing and took extra courses to learn photography and produce short video features. In my twenties, I learned to fly, earned a private pilot's license, and moved to Edmonton from Toronto. In my 40s, I hiked the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island 3 times and once to the Rose Spit on Haida Gwaii Island. Living in Edmonton since 1979, I continued my career as a graphic arts craftsman, operating mostly Goss high-speed web offset newspaper printing presses, first for the Edmonton Suns and finally the Edmonton Journal until 2013. Painter's Blogspot.
Art is passion
Rosehip, White Rose Art Project
Sketches, Doodles & Cartoons 
Keeps Me Democratically Engaged
Ode To Jasper
A Painter's Paradise
Jack Bush inside the AGA who taught me how to deal with anxiety.
Our AGA is Turning 100!